Cross stitch pattern by Praiseworthy Stitches "Sleigh Ride"
Number of Stitches: 251 W x 229 H
Size stitched: 40 x 37 cm on 32 ct linen
Fabric: 32 ct. “Nocturne” by Picture this Plus
WDW: Whitewash, Golden Rod, Skinny Dip, Schneckley, Deep Sea, Sally's Sunshine, Whiskey, Hazelnut, Blue Bonnet, Snowflake
GAST: Dried Thyme, Pine, Cranberry, Tropical Ocean, Black Crow, Acorn, Holly Berry, Green Apple, Barn Grey, Tin Bucket, Aged Pewter, Tea Rose, Schoolhouse Red,Caramel Corn, Onyx, Wood Trail, Cucumber, Pecan Pie
Kreinik: 5760, 003HL, 015HL, 091
Mill Hill petite Beads 15/0: 42043, 40557, 45270
(conversion to DMC on pattern)